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Photo du rédacteurEzéchiel & Mélanie

Mexico: Palenque

Goodbye the east side of Mexico and hello Chiapas! It is the least touristic region of the country but also the most authentic. If you want to be in touch with nature, this is where you have to come.

We stopped in Palenque where the ruins seem very beautiful but also to discover the waterfalls of Agua Azul which we were strongly recommended! Thank you Fabrice, David and Andréa for the information!

The ruins of Palenque

I said that the ruins of Tulum were my favorite and well I lied ... finally it will be the ruins of Palenque. They are wonderful! They are located in the jungle, it is possible to climb above, to discover the interior. A great visit!

They were placed in UNESCO World Heritage in 1987 and only 10% of the site was explored. Imagine all the discoveries that are still possible!

You have the opportunity to take a guide or not. Personally, we prefer to visit by ourselves, everything is explained on the panels and we can take our time.

Among the guides, we were surprised to discover that children of all ages offered to accompany us for miserable prices. There is even a little boy who told us that if we were disappointed with his visit we did not have to pay him. Have a hung heart! Other children were present to sell various items such as mini Mayan calendars or drinks.

It's gone for the visit the friends!

A little history all the same before starting. It must be known that it was in the 7th century that the city of Palenque, called Lakamha by the Maya, reached its peak and became a capital thanks to K'inich Janaab 'Pakal I, better known as Pakal II. He is the most famous ruler of the city of Palenque.

First: The Temple of Inscriptions and right next to The Tomb of the Red Queen

The Temple of the Inscriptions owes its name to three tablets, located inside, with inscriptions reporting the history of Palenque in Mayan times.

The text mentions religious events related to the life and death of Governor Pakal II and his successor Kan B'ahlam. The inscriptions also refer to the coronations of Pakal's ancestors but also to distant past and future events, such as events over a million years old! Moreover the tomb of Pakal II was found in this temple itself.

The tomb of the red queen remains to this day a mystery. We still do not know the identity of the woman found in her tomb but there is no doubt that she was part of the nobility and was very respected. How do we know that?

During his discovery, many offerings and precious objects surrounded the body. There were pearls, obsidian, bone needles, shells. In addition, the face was covered with a jade mask. What struck the archaeologists most was that the whole body was covered with a red powder. Red being the sacred color for the Mayans. After analysis, it turns out that it was a mineral composed of mercury sulfide called cinnabar, used in Mayan funerary rites symbolizing rebirth, life after death. The fact that cinnabar was used for this tomb shows that it was a woman of great importance.

Other fact, two other bodies near the tomb of the red queen were discovered before her. According to archeologists' analyzes, it would be two human sacrifices to accompany the deceased in the other world. Both were also covered with cinnabar. Only people of great importance and power demanded human sacrifices.

The Red Queen's Tomb

Tomb of the Red Queen

It could have been Pakal II's mother, Lady Sak K'uk ', who had taken control of the city until her son reached the age of governing. However DNA analyzes show no correspondence between these two individuals. Thus, it could probably be his wife, Lady Tz'akb 'that he married in 626, but to verify this, it would be necessary to find the tombs of the descendants of the two individuals to carry out new DNA analyzes.

Knowing that there is only 10% of the city that has been discovered, there are still excavations to be done!

The palace was one of the most beautiful buildings in the Mayan era. When it was discovered, it was covered with grass. Archaeologists can not agree on the role this monument had. Some think it was simply a residential building of the ruler, hence its name of palace, others think it was an administrative building.

Corridor in the palace

It was during the reign of Pakal II that the construction of the palace began and ended a hundred years later.

Inside it is possible to explore the throne room with as symbol an oval tablet representing the mother of Pakal giving him a hairstyle during his ascent to the throne.

Oval tablet

The throne was located just below the oval shelf.

In this palace, we also find the East Court. The particularity of this course? It represents the victory of Pakal in 659, during his confrontation with the cities of Santa Elena and Pomona.

The prisoners of this battle are represented in engraving in this course, thus allowing to remember this victory.

Engraving of prisoners

Engraving other prisoners

In this course, many engravings are possible to be observed:

In the palace, there is even an observatory tower that once served to explore the sky, the stars, or any other celestial star.

Observatory tower

Among the big monuments of the city of Palenque, we find the Group of the Cross grouping three temples:

- the temple of the Sun

- the Temple of the Leafy Cross

- the temple of the cross

All three were consecrated by Pakal II's son, Kan Balam II, and each represents a goddess together forming the Triad of Palenque.

The Leafy Cross Temple

The Leafy Cross Temple represents rebirth in fertility. It is dedicated to God II (name given to the goddess by archaeologists).

The Temple of the Sun

The Temple of the Sun represents the underworld and the war, it is dedicated to God III.

Temple of the Cross

The Temple of the Cross represents the place of origin of the supernatural, it is dedicated to God I.

Tablet in the Temple of the Cross

Ezekiel at the top of the Temple of the Cross

When one goes deeper into the jungle, you will find many ruins on which nature comes to take back its rights. Sometimes I felt like I was in the "Jungle Book" with that very strange atmosphere. Maybe I was going to meet King Louis dancing with Mowgli ... not at all ...

Ruins of an ancient temple

Very well preserved engraving of this same temple

Other ruins in the jungle

Going to the exit, you can admire the Bath of the Queen. It is a waterfall with some natural pools. Unfortunately for us, there was not enough water for us to see all its beauty but it is very easy to imagine.

The Queen's Bath

Some natural pools

This is a choke tree. If you look at the picture, inside there is another tree that is dying. Over the years, he was surrounded and thus strangled by the one you see in the foreground.

Cascadas de Agua Azul

This is the main reason we came to Palenque: see the waterfalls of Agua Azul. It is a wonder!

Just like the ruins of Palenque, the place is surrounded by hundreds of stalls selling clothes, bags but also many restaurants are present. You will also come across the path of children who are looking to sell absolutely their products. However, I assure you that the spectacle that nature will offer you will make you forget all that surrounds you to see only the essential.

Question temperature, the water was very very cold! I did not stay very long but it's still nice to cool off.

We went up the river until a volunteer guide "blocked" the road because to survey the rest of the trail, we must be accompanied. He explains that it is possible to see the source of the river. With another couple, we decide to go with the guide to understand where all this water comes from.

After 10 minutes of walking, here we are. I expected the path to be complicated, which would explain the presence of the guide, but in reality there is just to follow a small path already drawn. In the course of walking, we met Mexicans who, they did not need a guide ... in short, it does not matter, take advantage of the landscape!

In the hollow of the rock, it is the source of the river. All the water comes from the depths of the earth. Unfortunately, we could not get closer.

After all this discovery, we decide to offer us a good meal near the river;) After the effort the comfort!

Empanadas as an aperitif

Fried chicken with potatoes, rice and salad

The belly filled, a little shopping is essential:

We met some ladies who were shelling the famous frijol, in other words beans!

We also saw children helping their parents sell fruit during school holidays. I learned later that some of these children were not going to school at all and were working regularly with their families.

Throughout this visit I took the opportunity to take Ezekiel picture while capturing beautiful images himself. See how he is struggling to send you beautiful photos on our account instagram (et__maintenant):

Come on, one last image of Agua azul before moving on:

Airbnb at Nayeli and Frank

We took a night bus to reach Palenque from Bacalar. It was at 5:00 in the morning that we arrived and that Nayeli and Frank opened the door.

Their home was perfectly located, 10 minutes from colectivos to get to the ruins or Agua azul. Just opposite, taxis and the colectivo stop to go to the center of the city.

We enjoyed spending time with these two teachers. We even had the opportunity to share a French meal together.

Frank, Nayeli, Ezéchiel and me

They are very kind, they helped us in our visits. Frank even lowered the price of the room so we could come to Palenque. Thank you again!

We had the opportunity to discuss the children who were present at the tourist sites. It is also Nayeli who told me that not all children go to school and those who are present at the ruins of Palenque as guides can tell you anything because they do not necessarily know yet the Mayan history. Be careful, do not be touched for their beautiful little tits!

To summarize

We have more than liked to spend these two days in Palenque, whether for the visits to be made or for the reception of our guests. This city will remain in our heart with Valladolid.

If we return to Mexico one day, we will devote our visits exclusively to Chiapas because it is here that we find the true Mexican values, and not in Yucatan where everything is touristy.

Et maintenant...direction of Guatemala!

Cost of the stay in Palenque: 2 days / 2 nights

- Bus Bacalar - Palenque: 32 euros for 2

- Airbnb Hosting: 23,40 euros for 2 nights

- Meal, shopping: 15.50 euros

- Ruins of Palenque: 10.50 euros for 2

- Cascadas de Agua Azul: 4.7 euros for 2

- Transport by colectivo and taxi: 16,60 euros

A total of 129.70 euros

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