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Photo du rédacteurEzéchiel & Mélanie

Mexico: Holbox Islands

Welcome to Holbox! A small island near Chiquila, much further north of Cancun.

I can not wait to discover the white sand and water that many people boast on the internet.  

Why go to this island? Firstly for the beauty of the place but also because from June to September, it is possible to meet the whale sharks! My dream!


On Holbox you can choose between sleeping in a tent, in a luxury hotel, in a guest house. We opted for a studio, as in Valladolid so we could prepare our own meals. And between us, the price difference between a tent and a studio was really minimal.

After 3 hours by bus from Valladolid to Chiquila and half an hour by boat from Chiquila to Holbox, here we are, sweaty, at our studio run by Casita Estrella.

The morning of our arrival, the director sent us by what's app all the instructions to follow to get to the accommodation, with photos to find their way. During the afternoon, I receive a message again to know if we had arrived, which was the case but I tell him that he misses a pillow. Neither one nor two, she solves the problem and gives me the phone number of the person to contact in case of problems because she is traveling! The director is traveling and she takes the time to send me messages with the information, to know if our arrival went well, and to find us a second pillow. Congratulations, Mrs. Simonia!

We discover the studio which is charming as everything with its part bed, the kitchen and bathroom part, all very well decorated on the theme of the sea. Here are the pictures:

Casita Estrella - Studio side room and Ezekiel in the hammock

Casita Estrella - Kitchen Studio

Small detail that made all the difference, the hammock. Ezekiel was so happy to have a hammock since the time he wanted to sleep in it. Well, finally he slept in the bed. Too bad, I would have liked to have both places for me;)

We are within walking distance of information centers for excursions, beach, restaurants and 2.3 kilometers from Punta Coco. Perfect!

During our stay, we encountered several problems in this studio:

- no water pressure in the shower. We had to wash ourselves by filling bottles of water ... Sometimes there was no water at all in the studio. Magnificent!

- wifi ... a real hassle especially when you expect important answers ...

- sheets that scratch

- the dishes not always clean

Finally, the location and the welcome are very good but I think it will be necessary to improve on the other points ... the decoration is very pretty but it is not everything.

Means of locomotion

Do not expect to see cars on Holbox, there are none! Here, we travel by bike, scooter or mostly by golf cart! If, I assure you.

Golf carts to move on the island

Taxis? In golf carts too, but recognizable because they are yellow! Look by yourself, it's not a joke:

Location of taxis in golf carts

It is possible to rent a cart during your stay as well as bicycles. For the bravest, your feet can be enough, the island is not very big.

Walk on the beach

If we are here it is to enjoy the beach! Let's go!

Sand holds all its promises, it is white! On the other hand concerning the water we are very far from the blue but more in a gradient of green. It does not detract from the charm of the beach, on the contrary!

We stroll along the many hotels and bars that line the beach offering sunbeds and umbrellas but also outdoor massages to enjoy the view.

There is a small pier, on which we venture and great surprise, there are plenty of pelicans and cormorants trying to dry their wings. This is the first time for Ezekiel and me that we see pelicans!

Of course, we immortalize the moment!

Ezekiel on the bridge with the birds behind


Holbox beach view from the pier

After buying a small aperitif, we settle on the beach to admire the sunset.

Sunset on Holbox beach -1st day

While waiting for the star to disappear, I was able to observe two very well done drawings on walls just in front of the water.

Street art on the beach

Street art on the beach

The next day we return to the same beach to go along and discover what is hidden there. To be totally, there is not much except hotels.

However nothing prevents you to put your towel and enjoy the water that is just a treat!

You even have hammocks in the water waiting for you! I could try one of them, and I assure you that being rocked by the waves is simply a pleasure.

In full relaxation in the hammock on the beach of Holbox

A little further, you will have other hammocks in the water with this time the name of the island written below. Little memory of your passage!

Holbox, beach and hammocks

Holbox, beach, hammocks and direction sign

If you are lost ...

After a good walk in the water, we take a little strength with smoothies facing the sea.

Well-deserved smoothies

On our last evening on the Holbox Islands, we took our time to watch the sunset again and the fishing boats on deckchairs with our drinks and tasting, a mango with spices on it. Very very good!

Fishermen's boats on the beach

Last sunset on Holbox

Walk in town

Well believe it or not, I did not see a cathedral in the center! Certainly, must I seek a little more.

We are very far from the streets of Guadalajara, Merida or Valladolid. Here, they are sand streets, hence the fact that the inhabitants move by bike, on foot or by golf cart.

Holbox sand driveway

Regarding the names of streets, some are always named by a number, such as the street 30, others have strange names such as this one:

Translation: Whale Shark Street

On the other hand by walking in the streets we could cross a basketball court, guess who was happy ... by cons small frustration because Ezekiel can not play. I remind you that he broke his hand in Valladolid. On the field, there was a fitness court and it does not laugh! Everyone was motivated!

Basketball court next to the beach

Right in the center, right next to the basketball court, there is a large square with a stage where various free performances can take place. We had the opportunity to attend a concert as well as a Mexican dance demonstration.

Outdoor concert

Many traders have their storefront completely covered in street art, this is the case of some locals as well.

If you want information for your excursions or simply bring back memories, there is the Paseo Sah-Bek. Other tour shops are also present in town and on the beach.

Walk to Punta Coco

It is on foot that we went to Punta Coco because count 6 euros of taxi for 2 kilometers. So, after 30 minutes of walking, discovering the landscape across the island, here we are where we meet very few people!

Punta Coco where there are few people

We arrive at the right moment in Punta Coco to admire the sunset. There are a few clouds but the colors are beautiful!

Beach sunset Punta Coco

Lagoon side sunset in Punta Coco

A surprise awaits us

Arriving on the beach, we did not expect to see that ... flamingos. They are splendid! We watch them just a few meters from us ... they are not even afraid. They eat quietly while moving the sand with their paws. We have the impression that they dance on the spot. Two of them are bickering a place, but everything is back in order quickly. Continuing to walk a little further to a lagoon, other pink flamingos are also present and even closer to us. As much to say to you, that we take advantage of the moment.

Flamingos in Punta Coco


If we came to Punta Coco it's with an idea in mind. Admire bioluminescence! Ezekiel dreamed of seeing this phenomenon! It is at the level of this small "lagoon" that we wait for the most total night to see the blue of the plankton.

For once, we had not seen this famous blue that tour sellers are trying to sell you, but when you put yourself in the water and you move your legs, arms, you will see small green lights appear . While this is not what we imagined but it is still breathtaking to be able to admire this. We spend some time in the water, to move as we can to see the bioluminescence.

Little by little groups of people arrive and we pass from a few people to a good fifty people in the water. These are simply groups of excursions that arrive between 20H30 and 21H00 to admire this phenomenon.

We will hear everything. People who are excited by what they see and others totally disappointed because they expected to see the lagoon shine blue as is the case on the photos of the stands.

Personally, I'm glad I did not pay 50 euros for bioluminescence, for several reasons:

- It is possible to come alone, it is not dangerous at all. Just think of taking a lamp with you but even your phone will suffice. It's accessible to everyone, big and small. You can come on foot, by bike, by scooter, by golf cart or by taxi

- I think I would have been disappointed to pay to see some lights once in the water and not what the tour stand would have promised me to know the famous blue of bioluminescence.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to take pictures or even videos because there was not enough light. Anyway, it was a great time!

Starry sky

While waiting for the phenomenon of bioluminescence, we could admire the starry sky in Punta Coco.

I think this is the first time I see a sky so beautiful, with so many stars, and especially an intense light. Venus was beautiful, I felt she was in full demonstration of its brilliance, so it was bright.

We even had the chance to see a shooting star !! Promised it was not a plane that passed, nor a satellite but rather a shooting star.

starry sky in Punta Coco

I had the impression of being in an observatory with a domed roof on which all the stars and constellations appear. In fact not at all, I was on a beach in Mexico to rave about this sublime show. With Ezekiel, we had a hard time leaving but we had to because the next day we got up early to meet the whale sharks!

Excursion with whale sharks but not only ...

On the internet I had searched for the various excursions offered to Holbox, especially to go see the whale sharks, and also know the prices. We are not going to hide it, you have websites that offer you this at prices that I will describe as excessive. I came across, which offered the excursion for 100 euros per person, which seems to be more than reasonable.

With Ezekiel we decide to wait a bit to see what is offered directly on site. Finally, we found an excursion for 98 euros each, the difference being that the boat we will borrow would be slower than what is proposed for a trip to 115 euros. It does not matter, we have time and it will be an opportunity to take some nice videos.

Rendez-vous with the whale sharks

It is 7:00 in the morning, we are six tourists in the boat as well as the guide, the captain and his 10 year old boy who enjoys the holidays to accompany his father on the ocean. We left for a little more than 2 hours by boat to go to the whale shark observation site. All along the way, with Ezekiel we were on the watch for potential dolphins because there are in these waters, or turtles, but in vain.

We arrive at the point of surrender, there must be between 6 and 8 boats. The captain tells us that all the boats communicate with each other to give the location of a whale shark so that everyone can observe it. It must be very very responsive because as soon as the captain says "Go", we must not think, we must jump. Why? Because the whale shark can move at any time and disappear in the depths or just leave. And there, my little loulous, to follow him ... I wish you good luck

It's a dream come true. At this moment, I am divided between two emotions: excitement and fear. It can reach 15 meters long these critters! When I hear the "Go", I do not even feel the beat of my heart, I do not think I jump. With Ezekiel we are first in the water with the guide that tells us the location of the whale shark. This simple, it is 2 meters from us!  My first reaction: AAAAAAhhhh but it is huge !!! Then: what do I do if he comes to me? And to finish: Beautiful! I think that's really the right word. He was right in front of us, upright with the mouth facing the surface. He was eating quietly. Another moment in front of the nature where one feels very small.

By cons, this moment will be short because it must leave room for others of course.

The boats find a second whale shark, it is left for the second visit.

Unbelievable! Same position as the first but it decides to leave, I try to watch it but it is complicated by the darkness of the water but also by all the other tourists who try to make their way to follow him. As for the first time, we had to stay in the water for 1 to 2 minutes maximum. Yes, it's very little. We can not really say that we swim with whale sharks.

A third dive is planned. Unfortunately I will not be able to participate because ... a bit of suspense .... seasickness! Apparently my face went green..I let you imagine the rest. I thought I felt better in the water but no. The waves were strong and I could not be stable. Once everyone has done the 3 dives, we go to the snorkelling spot.

Snorkelling in Cabo Catoche

I like when the boat is moving and not stopped! After a bottle of cold water on the head by the guide and the captain's recommendations, that is to say, always look at the horizon and stay in front of the boat to have the water coming in the face, I felt much better! I know you have to look at the horizon but that was not enough at this point of observation ... Everyone was ready to go back if I did not feel well. Too kind! But I was much better, so direction snorkelling.

Once there, we had the opportunity to observe manta rays, turtles and dolphins.

I throw myself in the water..yes yes it is the good term, I am well to throw in the water and as soon as any first discovery was a manta ray. It's enormous! Not as much as a whale shark but all the same! I could cross a few and follow them. It's really magical. Unfortunately, no dolphins or turtles. These are the hazards of snorkelling, we can not force animals to come to meet us and so much the better! On the other hand, I was able to observe lots of fish with funny shapes, various colors and a moray eel! Yes, a moray. Only his head was visible but given the size of the latter, I imagine it had to be big. Fortunately she stayed in her hiding place.

Here is a short video for you to have your impressions.

Lunch and relax in Riosta Paula

To observe whale sharks, to be sick at sea and to snorkel, it digs! Our guide kindly prepared a delicious ceviché, the first since our arrival in Yucatan! For Ezekiel, he prepared a guacamole for him, and on our side we also brought him a snack, knowing that he does not eat fish. Our planes also have Mexican crisps, drinks!

Ceviché prepared by our guide

The place where we eat was heavenly! White sand, blue water, palm tree ... perfect after a hectic morning.

There is also a small stand where a Mexican mama prepares fried fish and langoustines freshly caught. We did not take it because it was very impressive and I could not eat all this alone, but those who have eaten it are feasted!

Little paradise on earth

If you wish, we open cocos to drink their water. A little further on the beach, there is a small assembly of empty coconut. I imagine they meet in great success.

Full of coconut

Stomach filled, a nap is required. There are hammocks to relax, there is even a camping area!

Camping area with Ezekiel in the middle

Perfect to rest

It's gone for 30 minutes of nap, see surely more.

Flamingos in Punta Mosquito

Last stop before returning, flamingos. Although we have seen the day before on the beach of Punta Coco, here there is a lot!

They are grouped together in a small group all along the beach, looking for something to eat. It's really funny to watch them do it. They pat the bottom of the sea with their paws and hop it's eating.

To conclude

We had a good day. We came back with some memories on the skin. Long live Aloe vera! Even if you only have a few minutes to see seconds in the water to discover these wonders of the oceans, I highly recommend this trip because it may only happen once in his life, who knows. Then of course, there are periods to respect. This excursion is possible from June to September, period of migration of whale sharks.

The only slogan on the Holbox Islands is relaxation. There is only that to do, enjoy the beach, have a cocktail, admire the sunset, discover the bioluminescence. Do not forget all the same excursions to realize including that of whale sharks. There are many others like visiting some islands that are near Holbox.

Et maintenant...

Cost of the stay in Holbox: 4 days and 4 nights - Valladolid-Chiquila bus tickets: 12,50 euros for 2 - Chiquila - Holbox boat tickets: 14 euros for 2 - Casita Estralla accommodation: 84 euros for 4 nights - Meals, shopping, greed: 48 euros for 2 - Whale shark excursions: 196.50 for 2 - Bioluminescence: free - Washing clothes: 4.20 euros a total of 359,20 euros

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