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Photo du rédacteurEzéchiel & Mélanie

Australia: Darwin

Here we are in Australia! And our very first destination is Darwin. We think to stay only ten days in this country finally it will be a full month, which allowed us to make incredible meeting. For the first time we tested the workaway and then talktalkbnb in Brisbane, but this will be the subject of another article.

Workaway at Jenny and David

Jenny and David are our first workaway experience. They were kind enough to pick us up at the airport upon our arrival and to welcome us for ten days in their house.

The work realized was gardening, especially for Ezekiel, the maintenance of the house and cooking for me. Even though the tasks were more or less defined, we could very well help each other.

Jenny and David are passionate about gardening and are in total renovation of their garden. They have incredible knowledge of plants, trees, ecosystems, how to make a good compost. We learned a lot from them because they wanted us to share their passion and knowledge while we worked.

What was really nice with Jenny and David is that we all work together regularly, except when they were at work of course, but we were not put aside.

Repaint a wall in black

Jenny and David also spoiled us for housing. We had a whole caravan for us! We had a queen bed, a small living room but the bathroom was outside and regarding the food we ate together with the family.

Inside our caravan with Ezekiel working hard on one of our videos!

The peculiarity of the bathroom was the presence of frogs in the toilet. How to say ... it's a little intimidating anyway. Once we had counted seven frogs in the toilet! Seven!

Two cute but vicious little frogs in the toilet

We shared a lot of family moments with Jenny, David, their children and Jenny's parents, including picnics at the beach in front of the sunset. Incredibly beautiful moments!

Family picnic in front of the sunset

Landscapes and sunsets in Darwin

We remained almost speechless in front of the landscapes that Darwin offered us, in particular by its red cliffs, its sunsets.

The red cliffs of Darwin at sunset

Bike ride on the beach

We had bicycles available at Jenny's and David's, so we took the opportunity to go for a ride on the beach which was next door. We were lucky because we were alone! We had the beach just for us, we had the immensity for us!

There is no one left of the beach

And no one right from the beach

Here are our bikes enjoying the beach

We have seen funny, transparent creatures

Ezekiel in photographer mode

Hi everyone !

Arafura Games 2019

We had the great chance to participate in the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony of the Arafura Games held every 2 years in Darwin. This is a multi-sport event where for a whole week competitors will compete. Every country is represented! The Arafura Games can be compared to the Olympics, with the difference that non-disabled and disabled athletes participate in the same program. France was very present as well as New Caledonia!

A family picnic while waiting for the opening ceremony

Everyone settles little by little more or less in front of the stage

Even the competitors take place

Ezekiel waiting

It begins!

Here is a short video to share with you the atmosphere that was present at the ceremony:

Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory

It was by bike from our home that we went to the Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory. Here are two pictures of the view we had on our way to the museum:

Admission is free, only one segment is paid but you have the choice to visit it or not. The museum is divided into several segments, each evoking a different subject such as aboriginal art, natural sciences and many others.

It is here that we learned that Darwin was a victim of Cyclone Tracy in 1974. Virtually everything was demolished during this storm. A whole segment is devoted to this terrible tragedy showing you before and after the cyclone, how the city was rebuilt afterwards.

During our visit, I was able to take some pictures of animal specimens that can be found on the territory of the North.

There is even an exhibition on the boats. It was huge!

We ended up beautiful by discovering a huge crocodile of 5.1 meters. This creature really existed, since it is his real body that is exposed, and he even had a name Sweetheart. Bizarre for a crocodile. Between 1974 and 1979, Sweetheart tackled all kinds of boats but never attacked a human being.

Sweetheart at Northern Territory Museum and Art Gallery

Walk to East Point Reserve

Leaving the Museum, we decided to walk along the beach instead of having a simple road by our side.

We continued our way until we reached East Point Reserve. Just like the rest of Darwin, everything is laid out for family picnics, to have a good time. You can watch wallabys or otherwise enjoy the view simply.

East point reserve - the trees in the ocean

East point reserve - on the beach

And in video it gives that:


(Australian and New Zealand Army Corps)

ANZAC Day is celebrated every year on April 25 in Australia, New Zealand, France, but also in other islands.

This day commemorates two battles in which the Austalians and New Zealanders participated and supported France during the First World War:

- Battle of Gallipoli: clash between the Ottoman Empire and French, British and ANZAC troops

- the battle of Villiers -bretonous: confrontation of the French, and ANZAC against the Germans.

April 25, 1915 will be the day of both a defeat and a victory for ANZAC.

Unfortunately, Australian and New-Zealand troops lost to the Ottoman Empire leaving behind nearly 8,000 casualties. In parallel, ANZAC managed to take back the city of Villier-bretonneux to the Germans who have gradually withdrawn.

Personally, I do not remember having heard about the intervention of troops from Oceania on French territory during the First World War but also against the Ottoman Empire. I was very surprised when Jenny and David told us this story and a little embarrassed too.

On April 25, 2019, we were present at the commemoration ceremony for these troops. It was simply a parade of different Australian armies but also firefighters, law enforcement, ambulance.

The parade must last a maximum of thirty minutes and always to the applause of the spectators. It is their way of showing their gratitude to these people who put their lives in danger to protect their country.

Mundil Beach Market

Every Thursday and Sunday nights there is a night market in Mundil Beach! You will find a little everything, clothes, jewels, decorations but especially food stands and drinks.

You can order a snack and enjoy it in front of the sunset on the beach next door.

You can attend a demonstration of a fire show on the beach or else a very original whip slam show:

Second workaway experience

We ended our journey in Darwin at Raquel and Ambrose, friends of Jenny and David. They needed help to tidy up an entire room. It was impossible to put one foot in front of the other. The garden also required a great cleaning and organization. Ezekiel did what he could and the result is rather surprising. Well done darling!

Reorganization of the garden

Ezekiel making a stone path

Stone path finished.

We had to stay only a few days in Australia, finally it will be almost 3 weeks that we stayed in Darwin. Thank you all for the beautiful discoveries!

Et maintenant...

Cost of the stay in Darwin: 23 days

- Airline tickets Bali - Darwin: 245,26 euros for 2

- Hosting: workaway so free

- Meals, courses, treats: 69,12 euros for 2

- public transport: no we had bicycles

- taxi to the airport: 13,06 euros

- activities: 12.30 euros cinema for 2 (Endgames)

- entrance to the museum: free

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